100% Viscose Fabric Dyeing Method

Viscose fabric

Viscose fabric is not a common fabric like as cotton. The hand fillings of this fabric are same as silk and cotton that is soft and fluffy. Viscose yarn is a kind of yarn which made from cellulose base. Viscose is a type of man-made fiber but it is not a synthetic fiber like as polyester, because it is made from natural materials, but it is heavily processed. Viscose fabric has grown to be popular for a number of reasons, most other fiber then it becomes stretchy that is why the spandex was added.

Viscose yarn is a kind of yarn which made from cellulose base. Viscose is a type of man-made fiber but it is not a synthetic fiber like as polyester, because it is made from natural materials, but it is heavily processed.

The syrupy viscose solution is prepared and after that it is forced through a spinneret into an acid bath containing sulphuric acid, sodium sulphate. The resulting strings or filaments are then stretched on goaded wheels to strengthen them, and put into a spinning Topham box. Fine filaments of cellulose is formed. The swelling index of viscose is very much higher than that of cotton. In aqueous liquors, viscose fibers tend to swell more strongly than Modal fibers or cotton. This swelling process happens very quickly and is almost complete after ten seconds at the lower temperature range. Viscose yarn forms a fabric is that takes dyes very well, so that, it can get work with a wide variety of colors. Viscose fabric has a luster property; also it stays bright and colorful throughout the life of the products made with it. So, if to work with various kind of bold and colorfast fabric then you can choose viscose.

1) Fabric tearing possibility is very high during the dyeing process.

2) Wetting of the fabric from long time  then some spot creates on it’s, which removal process is very difficult. But in cotton fabric it can be done easily and very comfortably.

3) Odd dyed fabric  is very difficult to remove.

4) Fabric strength will be reduce if it is not thoroughly maintained by temperature and pressure.

Actually viscose dyeing process is same as cotton spandex fabric. Moreover, please find below the dyeing process and the same was retained to the viscose lycra fabric wholeseller.

1st Step: Scouring (detergent wash) the fabric in the dyeing and water is released for the next step.
2nd Step: A labeling agent is used to label the fabric which increased the Ph of fabric.

3rd Step: Soda / Salt wash.

4th Step:  Specific color (reagent) for dye the fabric is used to mix with it.
5th Step: Acid wash (after released color mixing water)

6th Step: Color fixing by fixer (optional)

7th Step: Slitting

8th Step: Stuttering (heat settings)

9th Step: Open compacting for control shrinkage of fabric length.

Now the fabric is ready for cutting. Please test the Shrinkage,and its color shade.

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